The Province, through its Homes for People action plan, committed to cut down on unlawful evictions and strengthen the security of tenants, while supporting landlords.
Government is proposing the following amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act and the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act that, if passed, will come into force in various phases this spring and summer.
After Bill Introduction:
prohibiting personal occupancy evictions in purpose-built rental buildings with five or more units; and
increasing landlord’s occupancy period from six months to 12 months.
Upon royal assent:
prohibiting rent increases for additional occupants who are minors and making it an offence to do so; and
making a clear prohibition for a landlord to give frivolous notices to end tenancy.
By regulation expected by summer 2024:
requiring landlords to use a web portal to generate Notices to End Tenancy for personal occupancy;
increasing the notice period that a landlord must give a tenant for eviction for personal use; and
increasing the tenant dispute period from 15 days to 30 days.
Future regulations:
providing regulation-making authority in the Residential Tenancy Act to:
prohibit conversion of rental units to specific non-residential uses, such as short-term rental accommodation or storage;
prescribe increased amounts of compensation for evicting long-term tenants for landlord use; and
clarify the criteria by which the landlord could legally end a tenancy for a problematic tenant.
Increasing administrative monetary penalties to improve deterrence from contravening the Residential Tenancy Act.
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