To all of my friends, clients, and colleagues;
I recently came across an article about our current situation right now and I wanted to share it with you. So, here it is:
The recent events created from the spread of the coronavirus, or otherwise known as COVID-19 is a perfect example of just how fragile we humans are, on a planet that is reminding us that nature and physics are in control.
Unfortunately, even with our advanced technology, it’s still going to take a while before a vaccine is created. This is a very dangerous virus. It’s going to take its toll. Until the vaccine arrives, it’s imperative that we do everything we can to not get infected, or not infect someone else.
Eventually we’ll get through this and if we learn from it, our way of life, our health, and the economy will be better off. The one glimmer of hope that comes from this pandemic, is the way that people of different nations, political stripes, ideologies, and religions have come together cohesively to battle for the health and common good of all, as it is the only way.
The world is also facing another monster, it’s called ‘man-made climate change’. Let us hope that the lessons learned and the commonality that we all now identify with will incentivize all of us who occupy this glorious world, not only to cherish and take care of it, but to use it sustainably, not only to benefit our species, but all species.
If we’re going to save ourselves and the species of earth from climate change and future catastrophic events, again we’ll have to come together and work as one, as it is the only way.
And as we adjust and adapt to the new normal of social distancing and renewed hygiene, which we should have probably been doing anyways, we can reflect that we’re not doing this for ourselves, but for others.
And if we continue to put the health and wellbeing of others in our wheelhouse, we’ll have not only have saved future generations from catastrophic climate change, but we’d actually set an example and provide a template for all generations to come.
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